Suzie-Q and Leah-Lu can Bake!

Suzie-Q and Leah-Lu can Bake!
bakers, cookbook, muffins!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sara Sara Cupcake Edmond!

No muffins today for Leah-Lu.  Sick at home - she's sad and blue.  A delicious cupcake hand delivered and big enough for two.  A perfect friend through and through.  That's Leah's baking partner, Suzie-Q.

We are excited that Sara Sara Cupcake is now in Edmond!  Leah says thank you to Suzie for the fun surprise and delicious treat.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Crispy Bacon Muffins!

The boys give 'em a big thumbs up!

We haven't spend much time in the savory section of the cookbook so in honor of Will's 14th birthday we decided to make Crispy Bacon Muffins!  Can't beat that for a unique birthday cake!

Happy Birthday, Will! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

We are excited to have Kylie as our guest baker today! She helped us make Crunchy Peanut Butter Muffins!

Suzie, Leah and Kylie - our guest baker!
Crunchy Peanut Butter Muffins!  These were good but we all agreed that they definately needed the brown sugar/peanut mixture on the top?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

MAD scientists report that FUN-da-middles make excellent muffins/cupcakes!

Our scientists tested a theory that this box mix was worthy of the time it took to make AND eat them.  These get a thumbs up!  (wonder if we'll ever get back to that cookbook...hmm?)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Leah's in Missouri baking with our guest baker, Aunt Amy!

This time is was Leah's turn to travel.  She met up with family at TanTara resort in Osage Beach, MO and tried her hand at Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins (we cheated - it's a box mix!).  Aunt Amy was our official guest baker but if you look at the photos we had many other aunts, uncles, and cousins waiting around to sample the goods.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Meet our guest baker, Ethan! Suzie and Ethan get creative with baking OUTSIDE! We told you it was hot here!

while leah was away on vacation check out all the all of the cool experiments suzie and ethan tested out in the hot sun. the cake batter did become kind of like a solid, and the egg did turn white. they tried to bake biscuit and cookie dough too.  the best cooking vessel was the pizza box painted black and the car was a distant second.

SO what we discovered is you technically could use a really hot day to cook your food, but you'd have to wait 3 hours and its kind of gross, so you might as well make yourself a pb and j. but its a good way to kill time on a really hot day.